Saturday, July 28, 2007

Die rooster scum…Die…

So, there are these crazy and very confused roosters that live in a house down the hill from me. They do their little cockadoodledooing all night long. It could be 11 pm, or 2 am or 4 am. No les importa. (They don’t care). This is not the cute storybook version of cockadoodledoo. No this sounds more like the roosters are drowning or are at least gargling. It is FAR from cute. I’m usually a pretty sound sleeper, but sometimes they are just too loud for even the soundest of sleepers. Every once in a while I meet them in the street. I usually have my words with them. I tell them in Spanish to shut up and threaten to kill them. They just give me a menacing look and then run away in fear that I might carry out my threats.

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