Friday, August 3, 2007

My Cell Phone

Yay! I have a cell phone. I had to wait in line 4 hours to get it. So I'm superexcited to finally have it. Good News: You can send me text messages that are free for both of us on the website . I can't always respond immediately, but I'll try. It's only 10 cents for me to send a text message to the US. My cell phone number is 9765-3909. To call or message me from the US, dial 011-504-9765-3909, I think. I look forward to hearing from you. I can receive calls for completely free (for me, at least...)

Right now, I'm in La Libertad visiting a youth development volunteer and I´ll be back in Santa Lucia on Saturday.


Andrea, the world traveler! said...

So, this tigo website is entirely en espaniol...... i think i may have it figured out, but no promises.

Andrea, the world traveler! said...

And i think it said it has to an 8 digit number, but i did type in 8 digits and it won't go through....dammit!

Andrea, the world traveler! said...

ok, i think i got it. let me know if you got anything from me at all.

Beth said...

Hey! I got your message! Yay for Turkmenistan! Felicidades!